Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry

Fillings are a common part of our family dental practice. Cavities are caused by bacteria in our mouths that produce acid and create holes in our teeth that need to be fixed (“restored”). At Sleep For Dentistry, we can restore teeth with white fillings (either resin or porcelain) or, less commonly, silver amalgam or gold. We will discuss which type of filling might best meet your needs, then place it with care.

Replacement fillings are also needed periodically on any tooth that has previously been restored or filled. An old or broken restoration cannot adequately protect a tooth from decay, and so must be replaced. The same is true if a new cavity starts at the edge of an old filling.

Crowns or “caps” are another type of restoration commonly used in our practice. These are usually required when a tooth is heavily filled or when a tooth fractures. The crown once placed gives the tooth back its’ form and function so that it can be used to chew without the concern that the tooth will break down even further. These restorations take 2 appointments to complete because of the involvement of a registered dental technician at a dental laboratory, who crafts your new restoration by hand. During the preparation appointment, the teeth are restored and reduced in size to allow space for the porcelain or porcelain-and-metal crown. A mold of the tooth (or teeth) is taken and sent to the dental laboratory. At the end of this appointment, you leave with a temporary that we will have made. In the dental lab your new tooth is made to match both the colour and shape of the rest of the teeth of the mouth. At the second appointment, the temporary crown is removed and the permanent crown is checked for fit and appearance, and then it is cemented into place.